Structural Damage due to Foundation and Framing Movements
Foundation and Floor Elevation Surveys are used to identify unusual movements of a foundation or suspended floor. Measurements are obtained with electronic level equipment and the data is fed into the computer. Two-dimensional and Three-dimensional survey drawings are generated. The Three-dimensional survey drawing is color coded so that the movements of the structural components can be more easily understood. In instances, a site survey is performed to identify correlations between the site slope and structural movements.
Examples – Structural Damage due to Foundation and Framing Movements
The following examples identify the floor elevations of a two-story structure constructed on the side of a hill. The structural movements mimic the slope of the hill.

Vacek LLC, formerly Vacek Group, is a Houston area structural and architectural engineering company established in 1994. The company offers years of experience to insurance companies, attorneys, architects and the private sector.