Moisture Control Evaluations of Building Envelopes
Moisture Control Evaluations of Building Envelopes have become critical in recent years. The new building envelopes (exterior walls, roof assemblies, elevated floor assemblies) have become more air tight due to energy conservation efforts causing the components to be more susceptible to moisture accumulation. Moisture accumulation leads to deterioration and mold growth. These moisture control analyses provide insight into which assemblies are more prone to moisture accumulation and which assemblies are better suited to your structure. Calculations are performed on an hourly basis and provide such critical information as moisture content of building components and surface relative humidity. Since the following example analyses are dependent upon particular structural components in a particular climate, they may not reflect your specific condition.
Moisture Evaluations of Building Envelopes have become critical in recent years. The new building envelopes (exterior walls, roof assemblies, elevated floor assemblies) have become more air tight due to energy conservation efforts causing the components to be more susceptible to moisture accumulation. Moisture accumulation leads to deterioration and mold growth.
Moisture Analyses
Moisture analyses provide insight into which assemblies are more prone to moisture accumulation and which assemblies are better suited to your structure. Calculations are performed on an hourly basis and provide such critical information such as moisture contents and temperatures of building components, as well as relative humidities of the surfaces of the components that can be affected by moisture or support mold growth.
Moisture Control Evaluations and Content Investigations – Measurements and Comparisons
Building Moisture Content Investigations are performed. The data obtained is presented graphically and is compared to the moisture analyses. Moisture contents that are greater than that analyzed suggest moisture infiltration. Moisture contents that are less than that analyzed suggest dehumidification.
Since the following example analyses are dependent upon particular structural components in a particular climate, they may not reflect your specific condition.

Vacek LLC, formerly Vacek Group, is a Houston area structural and architectural engineering company established in 1994. The company offers years of experience to insurance companies, attorneys, architects and the private sector.