Architectural & Structural Engineering
We provide architectural engineering and structural engineering services including expert witness testimony.
Vacek LLC is an architectural and structural engineering company in the Houston Texas metro area. Vacek, LLC is one of few firms in Houston that deals with multiple facets of building science and engineering. Many engineering projects involve investigations where structural damages are traced to sources that require termination before repairs can proceed. Other engineering projects involve renovations where, in instances, walls and columns are removed that support the structure. Alternate support methods are developed. Some engineering projects are simply new construction while others are reconstruction requiring forensic engineering solutions. Every project is unique.
We provide architectural engineering and structural engineering services including expert witness testimony.
Please enjoy the site and if you have any questions, please ask.
Sam Vacek, P.E.

Architectural & Structural Engineering Services
- \Building Inspections
- \Building Condition Assessments
- \Building Damage Assessments
- \Building Problem Source Identification
- \Building Failure Analysis
- \Building Modifications
- \Building Repairs
- \Building Improvements
- \Building Design and Analysis
- \Building Reconstruction
- \Building New Construction

Commercial & Residential Structural Types
- \Single Family Residential
- \Multifamily Residential
- \Office Buildings
- \Industrial Facilities
- \Manufacturing Facilities
- \Strip Shopping Centers
- \Churches
- \Restaurants
- \Hotels
- \Warehouses
- \Bridges
- \Towers
- \Retaining Structures
- \Historical Buildings

Damage Types
- \Foundation Movements
- \Framing Movements
- \Moisture Infiltration
- \Mold Contamination
- \Temperature Changes
- \Hail Impacts
- \Flooding
- \Wind Damage
- \Vehicle Impact
- \Overload
- \Deterioration
- \Lightning
- \Fire
- \Explosion
- \Vibration

Vacek LLC, formerly Vacek Group, is a Houston area structural and architectural engineering company established in 1994. The company offers years of experience to insurance companies, attorneys, architects and the private sector.